This is a picture I painted free-hand,
on the spare bedroom wall of our last apartment that
we lived in, honoring My "Sweet Little Angel, Ryan"
I drew it right above the crib that Our Grand-babies
slepted in when they came visit.

This is Ryan's Great Grama Emerson
the night before Ryan was born, she had received a
robe for Xmas. This is the Grama who told me she
thought that Ryan was going to be a priest when he
grew up. Oh how the kids and I would listen for hours
to her stories of years gone by. Great Grama Emerson
(God Bless Her) is now in Heaven with our Ryan.

Here is Uncle Billy with Ronnie,
Chris and Ryan's Baby Sister, Jennifer,
(Who was born after Ryan passed away).

This is Ronnie and
Chris in June of 1977.

This is Gram Emerson, with her
Great Granchildren, (MaryAnn, Melanie, Chris, Ronnie)
and Robbie (who is Gram's Grandchild) the nite before
Ryan was born in 1977. The little boy holding the
green tractor is Robbie, Robbie is Ryan's Uncle.

This is Daddy and
Ronnie in March of 1975.

Here are Ryan's brothers and
just a few of their cousins. Left to Right is
Mikey, Melanie, MaryAnn, Charlie, Chris, Jennie,
Melissa and Ronnie.

Here is (Ryan's Daddy)Ron,
little brothers, Chris and Ronnie, (Ryan's Mommy)Lynn,
(I was pregnant for Ryan) and My Brothers,
Kevin and Billy.

This plaque is for Ryan's Daddy
Ronald C. Emerson, Sr.
Daddy's Hurt Too,
Even Though They Think
They Must Be Strong!

Here again is Daddy holding Ryan
with Ronnie and Chris by his side. Taken only a
week after Ryan's birth. I wish we had more pictures
of Ryan but his stay here on earth with us was only
for a very short three and a half months. But in our
hearts he will stay for an "Eternity"!

Here again is Ryan's Family,
Mom, Jenna, Ronnie, Chris, and Daddy.
Taken May-81 at my brother Bill's wedding
in Kentucky.
Ryan's Memorial Quilt can be seen Here: Memorial Quilt