
Lynn's Useful Links
The following is a list of useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list please email me here
and I will do so. Thank You!
American SIDS Institute Wonderful site full of information on anyone whose child has passed away of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Tourette Syndrome Association of Greater Washington Tourette Syndrome Association of Greater Washington - Information, support and resources to families, individuals and professionals dealing with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders. Self help and advocacy resources also provided.
Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia - TSAA is a voluntary and non-profit organization consisting of people with TS, their families, health and education professionals and other interested and concerned people. The association disseminates educational materials in the fields of health care, education and welfare service, provides telephone counseling and operates support groups. We provide parent advocacy and other services to help families cope with problems that may occur with TS. The association regularly publishes a newsletter. We continue to work towards seeking better treatments and improving the overall quality of life for TS sufferers.
Tourette Syndrome Tourette Syndrome - TS information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Tourette Syndrome Assosiation Chapter -- Massachusetts Tourette Syndrome Association Chapter-- Massachusetts - As a chapter our purpose is to provide information and referral for parents of children with Tourette, adults with Tourette, physicians, educators, advocates, etc.
More Favorite Links
HouseCall~Anti-Virus Scan
HouseCall Anti-Virus Site~ Will Scan your computer right from their site. Check this out it is Great!
Missing & Exploited Children Please take a look at this Link and see what you can do to help in any way to Prevent the Abuse of our Children or to Help in Finding Missing Children ,Thank You!
This site I have found to be so refreshing in this world of lost values and people not knowing how to do the right thing. Dr. Laura or as she puts it "I am My Children's Mom". Check it out and listen to her speak and answer questions on values, morals, ect.
Dr. Irene This too is another great site very similar like the one I have posted above for anyone to look into.
I surely Hope you have taken a little something away with you from my "Heaven's Blessings"! Have you hugged your Child or Children Today, Please Do So Often! How Precious A Life Truly Is!
The beautiful Midi playing is Dreams By Margi Harrell
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