Lynn's Poems

She stood upon a windswept hill. Her eyes gazing towards the sky. She whispered softly with tear filled eyes, "God, could you Please, would you tell me Why?"
To her a lovely child was born, A boy child, soft and sweet. She put his little hand in hers, And touched his tiny feet.
Dear God, My son is perfect, Ten little fingers and ten little toes. Sweet little mouth, little curved chin And a cute little button nose.
A lump has risen in her throat, Her eyes a pool of tears. It was time for her to realize, Her greatest fear of all fears.
Dear Lord, don't let her son be dead and gone. Don't let this be your will. He lies there oh so very white, So, soft and yet so very very still.
He's her little angel, Her little pride and joy. Oh Please Lord, we beg you, Let her keep her little boy.
As she stands again on this windswept hill, Even after all these years. She thinks about her little son, And her eyes are filled with tears.
Her gaze is up towards the Heavens, As she sighs a little sigh. Dear Lord, you took her son away from her, And she has never been told Why...
Written In Loving Memory Of Ryan
By Rebecca Clymo

~Who are you~
There once was a time when I
thought I knew who you were,
Yet to look into your eyes I see nothing but a blur...
Have the days been so long or the nights so cold,
That what we once vowed seems almost absurd....
Oh how My Heart still longs
for the Love we once made,
Two bodies entwined like the gold on a chain...
Where is this man who took claim to such passion
Who promised to Love, Honor and Cherish this sanction...
Have the years between us
mattered or have you just not cared,
For in your eyes I never saw a glimpse of despair....
Life was bound to change for us be it Better or Worse.
Faith was to lead us through the passageway of hurts....
Your lies are endless; claiming no
responsibility will you ever bear,
Self-protection is your guide as you sit on over there....
With just the blank look you hold in your stare
Never hearing a word and always telling me you don't care....
Trust no longer lives here
within these walls of our home,
Respect cannot come if contempt is all that is left to share....
No longer am I the one you hold late at
night or for that matter even kiss "Good Nite"!
Even though we may lie in the same bed to sleep,
and at the same table while we sit down to eat.
The difference is a world apart,
two souls who vowed to be as one....
Now live together so totally undone,
I thought I knew you so long ago,
now one of us must stay and one must go....
By Linda Rook

~The Ties That Bind~
He who dwells here, sits as if never born,
held between sane and insane.
Never knowing the difference of right from wrong.
To look in the eyes of emptiness, hateful and dim.
No one resides here, his heart is his own,
beats only for himself.
Over the years I have watched,
listened and heard.
Only that of a Child who was left alone
somewhere in the past of his very own hell.
His grave he digs for himself;
he who lies there upon waking, keeping to himself
unable to share feelings, unable to face the truth;
since no man will ever live there within,
only that of a child.
His soul never surrendered to God.
His heart cold as the ground he walks.
His eyes a piercing gray. He sees only that which
he can live with in some profound way. Reality is not his.
The Child inside, he runs, he hides, he lie's and deceives.
No man lives there. Who gave such a soul-less side to him.
For what reason for what purpose, their own!
No Man till he faces reality, Life not his own,
nor that which fits into society.
By Linda Rook

I can hear the laughter
of people off in the distance...
As i sit here all by myself;
for what seems like days
that run into night.
Knowing Someday I too
will be surrounded by life,
engulfed with the living.
I will again be looked upon as
the person I once was.
So over-flowing with optimism and trust,
within a heart so full of Love.
I will not ever become
what someone else thinks
I should, but rather that of myself.
By Linda Rook

~New Day Dawning~
The sun is rising,
revealing a brand new day,
My heart is singing in the most unusual way
This day that is dawning
puts a smile upon my face,
For whatever I do I must not bring disgrace
I will choose to do the best that I can,
And with that I am already ahead in the game
This day I will shine like a star in the sky
With God at my side every step of the way
New Beginnings are happening everyday,
It is just a matter of how you choose your way
So go and do the right thing,
keep those virtues by your side,
and hold tight to your morals;
Please, don't let them get away,
and go have a "Great Day!"
By Linda Rook

~UnConditional Love~
Love lives all around you,
as I hold you in my arms.
It's as if I have been taken
into another time...another place
And as I take your little hands
in mine and gaze into your eyes
I see that which bonds the future
with that of the past.
For now I understand why this is
saved for all of those they call Grand.
All the while your little smile
extends like the rays of sunshine.
On a bright clear blue day. As your
laughter fills my heart and soul.
In the most amazing way.
For you are my GrandChildren
That which "God has sent down from above.
For it is you who truly know
the meaning of "Unconditional Love".
By Linda Rook
aka Nana

~A Place For Me~
There is a special place in life
That needs my humble skill.
A certain job I'm meant to do
that no one else can fill.
The hours may be demanding,
And the pay is not too good.
And yet I wouldn't
change it for a moment if I could.
There is a special place in life.
A goal I must attain,
A Dream that I must follow.
for I won't be back again.
There is a mark that I must leave
However small it be
A legacy of love for
those who follow after me.
There is a specal place in life.
That only I may share,
A little path that
bears my name awaiting me somewhere.
There is a hand that I must hold,
A word that I must say,
A smile that I must give
for there are tears to blot away.
There is a special place in life.
That I was meant to fill,
A sunny spot where
flowers grow upon a windy hill.
There's Always a Tomorrow And the
Best is yet to be
And Somewhere in the
world I know there is a Place for Me!
Quick Inspiration

If we might have a second chance
To live the day's once more,
And rectify mistakes we've made
To even up the score.
If we might have a second chance
to use the knowledge gained,
Perhaps we might become at last
As fine as God ordained,
But though we can't retrace our steps,
However stands the score,
Tomorrow brings another chance
For us to try once more.
Quick Inspiration

In Phoenix, AZ. A 26-year-old mother stared down
at her son who was dying ofterminal leukemia.
Although her heart was filled with sadness, she
also had a strong feeling of determination. Like
any parent she wanted her son to grow up and
fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer
possible. The leukemia would see to that. But
she still wanted her son's dreams to come
true. She took her son's hand and asked, "Billy,
did you ever think about what you wanted to be
once you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish
what you would do with your life?" Mommy,
I always wanted to be a fireman when I
grew up." Mom smiled back and said, "Let's
see if we can make your wish come true."
Later that day she went to her local fire
department in Phoenix, Arizona, where she met
Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix.
She explained her son's final wish and asked
if it might be possible to give her six-year-old
son a ride around the block on a fire engine.
Fireman Bob said, "Look, we can do better than
that. If you'll have your son ready at seven
o'clock Wednesday morning, we'll make him an
honorary fireman for the whole day. He can
come down to the fire station, eat with us,
go out all the fire calls, the whole nine yards!
"And if you'll give us his sizes, we'll get a
real fire uniform for him, with a real fire
hat-not a toy one-with the emblem of the
Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellow
slicker like we wear and rubber boots.
They're all manufactured right here in
Phoenix, so we can get them fast."
Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy,
dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted
him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook
and ladder truck. Billy got to sit on the
back of the truck and help steer it back
to the fire station. He was in heaven.
There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day
and Billy got to go out on all three calls. He
rode in the different fire engines, the paramedic's
van, and even the fire chief's car. He was also
videotaped for the local news program. Having
his dream come true, with all the love and
attention that was lavished upon him, so deeply
touched Billy that he lived three months
longer than any doctor thought possible. One
night all of his vital signs began to drop
dramatically and the head nurse, who believed
in the hospice concept that no one should die
alone, began to call the family members to
the hospital. Then she remembered the day
Billy had spent as a fireman, so she called the
Fire Chief and asked if it would be possible to
send a fireman in uniform to the hospital
to be with Billy as he made his transition.
The chief replied, "We can do better than that.
We'll be there in five minutes. Will you please
do me a favor? When you hear the sirens screaming
and see the lights flashing, will you announce over
the PA system that there is not a fire? It's just
the fire department coming to see one of its finest
members one more time. And will you open the
window to his room?"
About five minutes later a hook and ladder truck
arrived at the hospital and extended its ladder up
to Billy's third floor open window. 16 firefighters
climbed up the ladder into Billy's room. With his
mother's permission, they hugged him and held
him and told him how much they loved him.
With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the
fire chief and said, Chief, am I really a
fireman now?
"Billy, you are, and the Head Chief, Jesus, is holding
your hand," the chief said. With those words, Billy
smiled and said, "I know, He's been holding my hand
all day, and the angels have been singing."
He closed his eyes one last time.
Author Unknown

~Heart Prints~
Whatever our hands touch
We leave fingerprints!
On walls, on furniture
On doorknobs, dishes, books.
There's no escape.
As we touch we leave our identity.
Oh God, wherever I go today
Help me leave heartprints!
Heartprints of compassion
Of understanding and love.
Heartprints of kindness
And genuine concern.
May my heart touch a lonely neighbor
Or a runaway daughter
Or an anxious mother
Or perhaps an aged grandfather.
Lord, send me out today
To leave heartprints.
And if someone should say,
"I felt your touch,"
May that one sense YOUR LOVE
Touching through ME.
Quick Inspirations

~Guardian Angel~
A Guardian Angel
Flew down from above,
To teach me a lesson
About the powers of love.
She whispers to me,
Takes a hold of my hand,
There are so many things
I wish you to understand.
About the powers of love,
And all it can do,
To someone who needs
To share it with you.
A pat on the back,
A kind smile on your face,
Can make someone's life,
A much brighter place.
It doesn't take much,
To show someone you care,
To give them the love,
God gave you to share.
So please keep in mind,
All the powers you possess,
To grace someone's life,
When they're in distress.
You've been put on this earth
To bestow the powers of love,
And with those final words,
She disappeared up above.
Aurthor Unknown

~Teddy Bear~

Teddy, I've been bad again,
My Mommy told me so;
I'm not quite sure what I did wrong.
But I thought that you might know.
When I woke up this morning,
I knew that she was mad;
Cause she was crying awful hard,
And yelling at my dad.
I tried my best to be real good.
And do just what she said;
I cleaned my room all by myself,
I even made my bed.
But, I spilled milk on my good shirt,
When she yelled at me to hurry;
And I guess she didn't hear me,
When I told her I was sorry.
Cause she hit me awful hard, you see,
And called me funny names;
And told me I was really bad
And I should be ashamed!
When I said, "I love you, Mommy,"
I guess she didn't understand;
Cause she yelled at me to shut my mouth,
Or I'd get smacked again.
So, I came up here to talk to you,
Please tell me what to do;
Cause I really love my Mommy,
And I know she loves me too.
And I don't think my Mommy means,
To hit me quite so hard;
I guess sometimes, grownups forget,
How big they really are!
So Teddy, I wish you were real,
And you weren't just a bear,
Then you could help me find a way,
To tell Mommies & Daddies everywhere.
To please try hard to understand,
How sad it makes us feel;
Cause the outside pain soon goes away,
But the inside never heals!
And if we could make them listen,
Maybe then they'd understand;
So other children just like me,
Wouldn't have to hurt again.
But for now I guess I'll hold you tight,
And pretend the pain's not there;
I know you'd never hurt me,
I love you.....So Goodnight...Teddy Bear!
Aurthor Unknown

Please allow the children of today to
never know this pain, far too many
children are scarred from the inside out.
Have you hugged your child today?
Children can only learn how to
love and be loved by your example.
Teach children how to be tolorent,
accepted, patient and kind; don't
teach them how to hate.
End the cylce of violence.
Help in the Fight Against
Child Abuse & Neglect.
Let's all do our share to make
this a better world for them.
Here is a link I believe
we should all check out and participate
in for all the children's sake, Please
take a moment to check it out HERE
Thank You!
This is a link to some very beautiful Poetry, It is called The Writing Forum

IAm A Proud Member Of:

Phenomenal Women Of The Web

The poems I have written are clearly marked as you
can see after each one. However, if there
is a poem on this page that you know the
Author to and I have not given proper credit to,
Please write me and I will do so immediately.
Thank You.

Midi is Appropriately Enough "Buy Me A Rose"
