Welcome and Please, come on in. Gosh, I love company, You might want to get yourself a cup of coffee or tea or whatever will quench your thirst; take a
seat maybe even put your feet up, and sit a spell while I tell you about ~My World~
Well...okay don't get that
relaxed..... but if you do, just keep a pot of coffee near by, because it's a big World! Oh yes, before I forget, I
have a Forum set up on Ryan's Poems Page, for anyone who
would like to have a discussion on the topics of Sid's and/or Tourette Syndrome.

March 18, 2000 I treasure this
picture, here I am with my Grand-daughter, Desiree the day of her Mommy and Daddy's
Wedding Day!
You know I originally started this
all by talking to my Best Friend, Becky. Becky belongs to a Non-Profit Organization called ~My Parents Are Survivors~. Becky went on to say that the web-sites are for people
like us who have had a child/children pass on. So during one of many conversations Becky told me she could
help me do a web-site, a Memorial Tribute to My Son, Ryan and I told her that I wanted to call it ~Ryan's Wings~ that was back in March of 2000.

Since then I have updated this site
with the help of My Oldest Son Ron,
setting up the shell (titles and
subtitles), then saying "There you
go Mom, you should be all set to
design and create your site now."
Thank You Dear Ronnie, I Love You
So Very Much. Even though it has
been a couple of times that I have
designed these pages on my site;
and without taking anything away
from the purpose of creation, I added
the rest of Ryan's Family to the
site so as to encircle his very being.
Which now I call Heaven's
Blessings that which you see before you.
And Ryan's Memorial Site Well Of Course
will always be ~Ryan's Wings~.
Ryan's Memorial is in all due right the
True Purpose for this Site even existing.

Our Ryan will always be a part of who we
and he will always be in our Hearts...
Nothing will ever change that. Even
though he may not be with us physically
doesn't mean Ryan isn't with us....he will
always live within our hearts forever more....
This entire website is Dedicated to
~My Beautiful Children~
Without you, my precious gifts from above,
I could not have exisited, for it was You
who gave me the will to carry on, You all
are my strength, my reason for living and
I Love You Ron, Christopher, Jennifer and
My Beloved Son, Ryan...Forever In My Heart...
Never Apart!
Thank you, Angel Grammy/Jean, this is
beautiful, God bless you.

I have met so many wonderful people
since I have done Heaven's Blessings,
and I Thank You ALL for your beautiful
Friendships. I hold them all dear to
my heart.
I added a dedication to a very Inspirational
Woman I met on the web whose name is
and a Dedication for ~Elaine~
who cheers me up daily with all
of her cards and gifts,
God Bless You All.

Every night I lie in
This little prayer inside my head:
God bless my mom and dad
and bless my little child
and take care of my mate
they bring me so much joy . . .
And God there's just one more thing
I wish that you would do
if you don't mind me asking
to just bless my puter too?
Now I know that it's not normal
to bless a small machine
but listen just a second
and I'll try to explain . . .
You see, that little metal box
holds more than odds and ends
inside those small components
rest a hundred loving friends...
Some it's true I've never seen
and most I've never met
we've never shaken hands or
ever truly hugged, and yet . . .
I know for sure they love me
by the kindness they give
and this little scrap of metal
is how I get to where they live...
By faith is how I know them
much the same as I know you.
I share in what life brings them
so if it's ok with you . . .
Just take an extra minute
from your duties up above . . .
to bless this little hunk of steel,
thats filled with so much love.
Charlies Angel's ~ The Angel Connection If
you would like to join then Please click here or onto the join
link below and come take a look at our Rules and Guidelines. Hope you too will become a part of "The Angel
Connection", See you there!.

Friends Make A Difference

Some people come and
go in our lives,
like passing ships,
nameless faces or forgotten dreams,
never meant to be part of our lives,
but they are.
Kindred spirits who
come into our world,
they touch our hearts and make
a difference in our lives.
They give us the gift of friendship
so that we are not alone.
Friends share simple,
ordinary times in our lives,
moments that become memories that
stay in our hearts forever
and we will never, ever be the same.
Thanks for making a
difference in my life!

My Friend Elaine had nominated me,
Lynn-Owner of Heaven's Blessings, to be a Guest of Honor at the Camalot Gardens Gala Event, Thank You to all who
came and celebrated with me!

"Love must be sincere.
Hate what is evil;
Cling to what is Good. Be
Devoted to one another
in Brotherly Love.
Honor one another Above
yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal,
but keep your Spiritual fervor,
Serving the Lord.
Be Joyful in Hope,
Faithful in prayer."
The New Testament, Romans 12:9-12

Thank You Lady J

This is from Mae
Williams, Thanking me for putting together Her Son, Jason's, Memorial Site. And She goes on to say...
"Dear Lynn, This is an award I had made
for you.
Hugs, Mae

An Angel In
He sometimes sends an
When one cannot see the light
To light a path for you
To brighten a dark night
He sometimes sends an angel
to enlighten a stifled mind
To brighten a day of clouds
To make someones eyes shine
He sometimes sends an angel
when you need to be shown luv
He sends them with his message
of compassion from above
He sent me an angel
these gifts she did bring
She will never be forgotten
She makes my heart sing."
Written by Mae Williams
copyright 2002
Mae also wrote the following:

"Thank You Lynn for all that you are.
"Jason's Memorial" Site is Beautiful.
To take on such a task, to enrich the
heart of a stranger shows the angel
who resides inside you.
Compassion and Love are surely
words that describe you."
Love, Mae Williams

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Angels gave these to me when I was a Member of their Wonderful Online Group

Thank you Jean, I will continue to pray for your beautiful grandson, Jake. Please, won't you take a moment to say a prayer for
Jean's granson, Jake. I know his family would surely appreciate it. God Bless You and Yours.

I place these teardrops onto each
side of this plaque for
one simple reason.
This to me Is the Worst form of
Child Abuse there is.
Abusing any child/person
in any form is Unacceptable.
And in no way should it be tolerated.
Who will help these little lambs
of God if We as a People don't?

I Am A Proud Member Of:

Phenomenal Women Of The Web
