Our Life together
had started out as so many other couples. Ron and I met and
became engaged shortly there after, three months later
we set a date and we were married on the 16th of February
Our first child, Ronnie was born ten months later. Life as a
was everything I ever dreamed it to be! Six months after our
first son was born I became pregnant for the second time, this child
would be yet
another son, we named him Christopher. I had two beautiful
I never knew I could feel so complete. I loved being a
mother. My children were gifts from God, so precious. My
seemed to be running like a clock, six months later I was
pregnant once
again. This was going to be my third baby. Even
though I was very young, twenty-three at the time.

This is where
Ryan's Life begins! Ryan was born three hours and twelve
minutes after his oldest brothers third birthday. Little
Ronnie was so
excited he so wanted this new baby to be born on his special
Ryan's entrance into this world only took a couple of hours.
were no complications what so ever. He was born on December
19th at
three twelve a.m., with eyes of blue and hair of brown and
exactly eight pounds; his height was twenty-one inches long.
one look at this precious new life I knew there was just
special about him that shone bright. I feed him the way God
for a woman to feed and nourish their children and with
the milk from my breast I was to provide him with the

Everything with Ryan seemed to
be going as normal, until Ryan was three weeks old, it was a
around 5:00p.m. Ryan had a runny nose and a slight fever so I
the Doctor, (Dr. Sandor Benedek,MD) who delivered our sons,
happened also to be our family Doctor as well.
I couldn't get an appointment till Monday, so I did
what the Doctor said to do for Ryan until our appt. time.
Only over
the course of forty-eight hours his appetite seemed to
lessen, his
skin became pale and I noticed he slept more than normal. I
real frightened when I saw little white bubbles forming
Ryan's mouth. I picked up the phone book and went down
through the
list of Pediatricians and came across one, Dr. WenHar Huang.
When I told him Ryan's symptoms he told us to bring him
right in. The trip took twenty minutes, Dr. Huang took one
look at
Ryan and said we have to take him over to the hospital. The
carried Ryan over to the hospital himself, where he was
antibiotics immediately. My husband and I where taken aside
asked if Ryan had been baptized, we said no. The nurse then
said, We
need to give Ryan his last rights because it doesn't look
like he is
going to make it. We just collapsed in each others arms
sobbing, "Oh
Dear God no, please don't take Ryan from us." Then a nurse
came out
of the room that they took Ryan into and said that he was
going to
be transferred to another hospital that had the facilities to
such a critically ill child as Ryan.

It was January 9th, 1978, and
we were having a blizzard outside. The ArnotOgden Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit was a good 45 minutes away. Dr. Huang
ordered him
transferred by ambulance immediately. I rode in the front
seat of
the ambulance and my husband, Ron had to drive back home to
arrangements for our other two sons then his father, Charlie
Ron to the hospital where they had taken Ryan. The two nurses
road in the back of the ambulance were massaging Ryan's feet
to keep
the blood circulating for his veins had collapsed. That day
like concrete in my very soul. I cried and prayed all the way
We finally arrived and Ryan was rushed up to the neonatal
there we were told again, Ryan's chances looked very slim for
it through the night. The Doctor told me if I had not
Ryan he may not even have made it this far.

Ryan was
diagnosed with Bi-lateral Pneumonia, he was in Shock, and
from Sepsis and Dehydration and his veins had all collapsed.
All we
could do now was pray for a miracle. Ron and I did just that,
prayed and cried, all that night till morning came, "Dear
Lord, heal
our son, please don't take him from us, watch over him and
keep him

At that time, We couldn't
stay in the neonatal Intensive Care Unit so we stayed out in
waiting room, when daylight came, the Doctor came out and
told us
Ryan made it through the most crucial time. The Doctor could
explain it, he said as sick as Ryan was, he just could not
it so the nurses called Ryan the "Miracle Baby". Ron and I
thanked God for answering our prayers and for sending us all
wonderfully trained professionals who had helped give us our
back. Ryan stayed in the hospital neonatal intensive care
unit for a
week and then was transferred back to the Ira Davenport
Hospital in
Bath, NY for another week. All this time I had been pumping
my breast
milk for Ryan's feedings.

For me, Life took on
another dimension after Ryan's illness. The trees, color of
the sky,
the smiles on the children's faces, waking to see another new
Life was never to be taken for granted ever again. We had
been more
than blessed we had been given the gift of Life. All I knew
was I
had everything I ever wanted out of life, and the feeling of
being totally complete surrounded me. Our three sons, or as I
referred to
them as '"My Three Sons!" To their Dad they were "The Three
Stooges." We watched Ryan excel after his illness, he gained
and he especially loved to kick his feet to the beat of his
music. His check up at the Doctor's was deemed exceptional.
advanced so well that when he was three months we sat him in
walker and he would push himself across our kitchen floor, he
it. He weighted fifteen pounds, didn't look or act like that
of such
a young infant. Even though Ryan was in the best of health
now I
could not bring myself to leave his side at night, I either
with him in my arms or by my side. I remember one day his
Great-grandmother Emerson, was rocking Ryan and she looked
over at
me and said, "He is going to be a priest when he grows up!"
It was a
strange thing to say but maybe it was Gram's wisdom of living
or her
intuition was strong at the time, because we had no idea that
Ryan would be closer to our Lord than that of a priest, he
would be
taken from us on the wings of an angel while he lay

The day before March 31,1978 had
a very fulfilling day as most were spent playing with my
Ron and I had taken our children next door to Gram Emerson's
to eat dinner, as we often had. We left Gram's house more
late evening I still had to bathe the children and get them
for bed. We tucked Ronnie and Chris in around ten o'clock
that night
Ryan was still awake because he had taken a long nap while we
having dinner. My husband had gone to bed around eleven so it
just Ryan and myself still up. I was exhausted, so Ryan and I
down for bed a little before midnight.

It wasn't
much after I laid down when Ron tapped me on the shoulder and
me in a demanding sort of tone to please come into OUR bed!
crib was out in the living room (we lived in a 12x70 trailer
at the
time) where I had been sleeping since his return from the
so hesitantly I laid him in his crib, kissed him goodnight
whispered, "I love you, sweet dreams!" Must have been around
o'clock in the morning when I felt little Ronnie leaning over
me and
asking if I would get him a glass of water. I arose from bed
Ronnie in my arms we headed down the hallway, to the kitchen.
As I
went by Ryan's crib I stopped to check on him. Putting Ronnie
to my side, I reached into the crib and fear gripped my
entire body,
he wasn't there, not where I had laid him. I felt toward the
end of
the crib and I remember throwing the covers back, the
thought in my head at this time was that someone had stolen my
As I felt toward the end of the crib I remembered being so relieved that my hand touched Ryan and that he hadn't been stolen out of his crib. As I hurried to pick him up, I turned him to face me, oblivious of Ronnie still standing
by my
side, Ryan's face was discolored and I knew I just knew, I
let out a
scream! "Oh my God, no, Oh my God!" I heard Ron yell out from
bedroom, "What is it!" I was crying and said, "I think Ryan
dead!" "Oh my God No!", Ron screamed as he ran down the

Frantic and in shock I laid
Ryan on the couch and we took turns doing CPR and
on our baby. Somehow, Ron managed to call an ambulance and
his family, who lived just up the road. All I wanted
was someone to help us, "God this can't be happening, No you
take my baby, Please!"No! No! I kept crying out in
Ron and I stayed working on Ryan for what seemed hours to no
Everything seems a blur the pain of losing Ryan was
All I remember was the house had filled
up with family and friends, and then the coroner arrived, not an
ambulance. I can't
even say if Ronnie had even left my side from when I put him
down to
check on Ryan. All I knew was my baby was dead and people
walking all through our house. Two men were leaning over Ryan
the Coroners office and they were there talking to each other
and then
they told us it was "Crib Death", "Sudden Infant Death", all
knew was I wanted my baby back. They left Ryan on the couch
with a white sheet I have no real recollection of much of
that day
except that someone in the family had taken down Ryan's crib
as if
he had never existed. I know because I saw through tear
soaked eyes
yet I couldn't move or say anything. All I could do was watch
Ryan's Life was swept away. We will never recover for how can
when your heart has been ripped right out of you. Sure Life
goes on
and so don't you, but never as we once were.

This day bore a hole through
all of our hearts, for life as we knew it would never
be the same we would never be the same. These are some of the
things we were told as words of comfort: "There is no rhyme
or reason.
Can't be prevented nor predicted. "Lay your baby on his
stomach" they
said. At that time in 1978, where we lived there wasn't any
What if this, What if that, Maybe it was something you did or
forgot to do. Well at least you have other children. My
mother-n-law said,
"You think You have problems, our unwed daughter is going
to have a baby..."

Nothing but nothing is crueler
than the death of your own child or children.
God gives you the strength, and the
ability to hold on to memories and the ability to get pass
ignorance of others who Thank God have not suffered the
loss of all. Ryan would have been twenty- four this year
(2001) and
I still feel the emptiness within my heart. Yet in my
children's and
grandchildren's eyes I see my Ryan looking back at me, which
me some solace for I know he is letting me know he will
always be
watching over us on the wings of an angel.

Ryan's Tribute Quilt can be
viewed by Clicking
 And if you would like
to leave Ryan a little note or gift then Please CLICK HERE

"Creations By
Lynn" Store
 Come Browse & Shop For That Special Someone In Your
Life We also have a SIDS Section.

Thank You Kelly for
making this Thanksgiving Plate for Ryan.

Ryan's photo with wings at
the top of the page was made for me by a Very Special Lady called
Michelle. And her
Angel's name is Sara. Thank You
Michelle for your dedication, compassion and kindness. God

In Memory of All Those Who
Lost Their Lives On September 11th, 2001.

Please don't forget to sign one
of my Guestbooks We have two now, just in case one doesn't work so
good. That way My Mommy knows who has come to visit me, Thank


wonderful Midi "Memories" is used with permission and is
copyright ©2001 Bruce

Proud Member

Page last updated on June 15, 2017
